Oh, brother. I know I am smarter than this !*# thing. But not tonight, Wayne just told me my curfew in NOW! So I have to give up for now. It's the new camera....I have to learn to crop and stuff... however I did get my name on it. Not exactly like I'd like but by golly it's there.
Good job! I love the old barn. I'm like you...I love the old stuff. It has such character!!
I forgot to tell you...when you click on the brush to add your copyright, the color of the brush is determined by the color of the top box (in the tools palette on the left side of the screen..it'll be black or white if you haven't changed it!). At the top, you can adjust the size of the brush as well. You'll learn it all in time, and you're doing great. I mean, hey....you have a copyright brush and Jamie doesn't! LOL
OK, now I am really envious, or jealous, which ever way you want to take it!!! I have been trying for this whole week to get my dang name on my pictures!!! Just because you live next to Amy doesn't mean that you need to out do me!!! HAHA I love this picture. I think that you did really well!! Love ya!
OK, now I am officially jealous. Both of my girls have their names on their pictures- only one Blankenship girl doesn't! :)
I love your borders, by the way. This is so much fun. By the way, tell Poppie I don't have a curfew with Jeff out of town, so yours should be later as well...Ha
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