Well it was just inevitable.
He had absolutely swam him self out!
He assured me he was not tired.
But, bless his heart after 4 days of nonstop
swimming, cannonballs, diving for the dive stick
and trying to drown Nana, he surrendered.
Pruney feet and
Pruney hands he was up and at em' ready to go again in no time at all.
Awww. Did he actually fall asleep? I bet they were both exhausted! Do you still have them, or have they gone back home? And yes, their batteries do recharge very quickly, don't they?!
Well, looks like your pool is getting a workout. Boys and their water, never get enough!
I know you are enjoying the boys but I bet Heather is enjoying herself just as much!!!
Did he really fall asleep in the pool??? That is tooo cute! I can't believe how pruny his hands are!!!
Priceless!!! You are such a cool Nana!! If I were them I'd stay the whole summer!!
God love his heart! That is too sweet!
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