I have watched her handle herself with grace, integrity and determination over the last few years.
"Me and God, we got this, Mom".
Most recently, I've watched her battle the United States Army with bulldog tenacity.. searching out what is right and fair for her husband, who has given so much in the last 4 years.
She has handled this on her own...no need to rally troops, heck there aren't any..."I got this mom, me and God we got it" She and Shane are literally beating a path for other wounded soldiers and their families..I think the Army calls it the "Matthews Path", and rightly so. They have been the "first" to do so many things..and being first has been tough. She said last night she felt like she had ran into a brick wall and that even the wall wanted to fight her...then she said "I read in Isaiah, the walls are Gods, He will move the walls, God always gives me the encouragement I need in all my trials" such faith. I look around and see so many people with such pity gripes... that mostly center around themselves. Waaawaaa...is not in this girls vocabulary.
Fighting for truth, fairness and letting trials make her a better person have been her call signs.
Never listening to the nay Sayer's, no time for that. Faults? sure she's got some...lets see....you can not rush her...she gets that from her dad (now Jacob has begun to exhibit the trait, grin ) but here again I see the Lord.. The Lord says we are like sheep and sheep; you can not drive you must lead them. So if you are going her way she'll follow...but she knows if you are leading her astray..and that's not gonna happen. (is that a fault?) I like how Shane says it..She "Woman's up" Meaning she takes the lead, and the responsibility, how many people do you know who are taking responsibility these days.
She is a beautiful child of God's ,inside and out. J - Jesus first
O - others second
Y- yourself last
Can't you just see the joy on her face????
A lot of people have said we have done a good job raising our kids...well, we only had them for a season...the rest they have done on their own...We're very proud of both of them.