I know that you all are sick of flying things..but these guys was circling over head this afternoon. I was spinning around and around trying to get a picture. I got dizzy.
All the little birds were dashing around and singing at the top of the little beaks.
Then, I saw them...two beautiful hawks,
(Wayne would disagree, hawks eat quail and he doesn't get to shoot them so the hawk is not pretty to him..go figure!)
Still blurry...but I just could not resist..they were very hard to catch up with, with the camera.
I promise, no critters tomorrow.
Those are great pictures. I tried one Saturday to get a picture of a hawk but didn't succeed.
The last pic is my fave. Great detail!
Are you working for National Geographic?! lol Great picture.
I love birds so much...but we don't get many of them thanks to Seamus and Angus. Tell pop that I'd be glad to give him a CAT to get rid of the hawks! They do have their redeeming qualities! LOL
The last one is great. At least you're taking pictures! Riley is loving school, but it's about to kick my tail! LOL. I'm up late working...and now I'm getting up early, rushing home to get some work done while he is at school, and then rushing back to get him and then into the office to pick up more work. When I do find time to maybe snap a pic, there's no daylight! Soon...I need to be thinking about the challenge photo for Friday.
You did a good job with him!!! Did you use the big honkin lens??? I have tried to take pics of the eagles that fly around here all the time, but they are just too far away! Or, I run in to get the camera, and then they disappear!
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