US Marines, Army, and Air Force well represented.
Annie has made us all so proud.
It's good to see a young person headed in a positive direction.
Chuck (Annie's friend), Gunnery Sgt. Glenn (Annie's Dad), PVT Annie Peifer, Master Sgt. Freddie (Glenn's buddy), SSG Shane, and Lt. Col. Betsy (Jo Anne's Friend) (I apologize if I do not have all this military stuff right I'm new at it). We had hoped that Lt Jeff would be home, but he was not able to make it.
Jo put on a huge spread for everyone after graduation... it was a great family day.
This cute little blue eyed family was with us on Friday too. There was about 30 of us all together.
It was good to see Jamie, Shane and the kids Sunday. That Emily is a trip! You have alot to be proud of! Very patriotic family there!
Thanks for putting this here! and thank you for your help this past Friday! We are so proud of our Annie and her committment to serve. Can't wait to see Jeff - wish he could see her before she leaves Sunday. Keep her in your prayers as she leaves for MCT for three weeks and straight to her MOS school.
And that Matthews family - can you say perfect!
Soooo proud of her! Way to go girl! Thats quite an accomplishment!
Yeah..I guess that Matthews crew aint sooo bad. :)
Congratulations to the new graduate!
I don't think I know Annie, but I appreciate her, and congrautulate her on her sucess. Thats a good pic of the Matthews family.
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