Thursday, September 13, 2007


Can anyone tell me why people paint the trunks of trees white?
It appears that it's a southern thing.
Kinda like burying old tiers halfway in the ground, like edging and painting them white.
It has always been a puzzlement to me...


AmyWhit said...

Actually, it's apparently a northern thing. Maybe the southerners who do it aren't natives, but transplanted yanks. It's done to prevent winter damage. Here's a link:

AmyWhit said...

Yeah, it certainly isn't pretty, is it?! I don't like it either!

Shelia said...

I have NEVER understood this phenomena myself. LOL It looks terrible!

Good picture though! LOL

Anonymous said...

Maybe they think the white color will help it stay cooler! They obviously don't appreciate God's beauty.

Judy said...

My folk lore experts tell me it is a southern thing and was done to help people see them at night...they really do shine in the moonlight when painted white...also some old timers thought it would keep bugs away...where I come from...aint no transplanted yanks and you see it all the time in old folks yards.

jamie said...

Maybe they do it to keep the spirits away??? You know how they paint their trim a vibrant color?? Who knows? That fad hasn't hit Alaska yet!

AmyWhit said...

I have heard about the bug thing....but in my opinion, it ain't workin'! If it did, I think every tree in the lowcountry would have a white trunk! LOL.

The bad part about painting them so that you can see them at night is that YOU CAN ALSO SEE THEM DURING THE DAY! And they sure aren't pretty!

Brewton Girl said...

I'm with Jamie maybe it keeps the Haints and Hags away! I think it's a gullah custome. Ms. Lucille Powell who used to keep Russell when he was little believed all those old customes. Once when Russell was little he found some old bottles in the cemetary. Ms. Lucille told him the hags would get him if he did not return bottles. He said he had nightmares all night about the Hags and returned the bottles the next morning. He has never gathered bottles from a cemetary since!