Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Huspah Creek

After I've had a long day working, answering questions from every conceivable person under the sun. Number 1 being my husband (can you go by... could you pickup...can you fax... can you look up a number for me...What's my Tax ID #..., by-the-way it's the same number we've had for 21 years now!!! I'm sure you know what I mean) to even answering questions from the Port Royal Police Department today, no I'm not in trouble yet! I answered about 25 phone calls before lunch, dealing with accountants (oh then he came to my office as if calling wasn't enough!!), attorneys, paralegals, and of course homeowners who ALL want something..and of course for nothing! Dealing with the PO to have mail sent back..the same mail I've been "returning to sender" for over two months...get a clue people he is no longer with our Co. And my all time favorite phone know a phone call from about 6 people in "the loop" who don't talk to each other who send you into a tailspin, to find out they all knew all they needed to know before they called you in the first place. Some days I feel like all calls have to go though know the mother on all switchboards!!!
And to top it off I had to find "the most beautiful, beautiful, most beautiful dress in Beaufort" because Saturday is Emily's 6th birthday and that was her about pressure..I had find it and get it in the mail TODAY because it takes 4 days to get to her.
As I was saying, after all this and I get threw Garden's Corner with my life in tact, I pass this beautiful Creek. I'm almost home and I am so thankful!
Thanks I needed that!


AmyWhit said...

"It's the sticks! We're almost to Nana's house!" Those "sticks" never look so good as they do on days like you had today, huh? Sorry you had such a rough day! I hope tomorrow is better for you!

It's been quite hectic around here this week too! Riley is attending VBS at Agape this week, and Sarah has been down for the past two days. I've barely even been at my house, which is why I STILL don't have a post! LOL. My groove was busted with the computer crash, and I haven't found it again. Tomorrow.....!

jamie said...

Wow, did you even get to breath today? At least you didn't have some crazy person from AK bugging you today too!!! LOL..Instead we called POP.

Those sticks always let all of us breathe in a breath of fresh air!! Even my kids. It is like you are being transported from the bustling city back to relaxation.. Boy, I could use some of that most days!

jamie said...

Hope your day is better tomorrow. You know it is like I once heard, this too shall pass. I am glad I am not the only one who uses this blog to get things out!!

Love you!!!

Brewton Girl said...

We need a blog girls night out!! Maybe dinner and a sappy movie????

Queen of Foo Foo said...

I've had those days. Where it feels like its not enough of you to go around. The Water always makes me feel better. It just sends a sense of peace & quite.
Have a better day.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow morning first thing you unplug that phone and tell everybody the storm took it out---it could happen! When it gets like that, just go in the closet and breath deep! Blessing and peace for you!

Shelia said...

I KNOW you are looking forward to getting out of here in Sept. You're right, everyone in Beaufort seems to call you for info! I hope you can have a relaxing weekend with no phone!

Nancy S. said...

Gosh, I'm tired from just reading about your day. I think its time for a vacation in the Keys (beautiful place). Hope your day went better today.

I know what you mean, I think Wayne and Willie must be made from the same mold.