Saturday, July 7, 2007

These are some "left over rounds".
(for some reason it would not let enter a title)
Triple round..plate, pancake, & blueberries.

Painted on the side of building...
or maybe the building was painted around what ever was here.

This is an interesting item, it is a wooden strainer. Aunt Frances (Wayne's great aunt) would place cheesecloth on the screen wire in the bottom and strain milk through it. (she had milk cows).
This is a window in the top of the Baptist Church of Beaufort's bell tower.

But by far I love the "blue moon" shot.


AmyWhit said...

The blue moon is most definitely my favorite as well! I spotted that round window in the bell tower too, and I would have taken a picture if I had had my camera with me! LOL. I like the triple round one!

Shelia said...

These are really nice but I like the moon shot the best.

Cindy said...

Just beautiful. I love pictures of the moon. I love the night and a beautiful moon. It is so relaxing.