Monday, May 14, 2007

Boys? Men? Any Difference?

It never fails, when they get together it is always one kind of contest or another. On Saturday it was the always popular "my muscle's are bigger than yours" episode.

99.99% of the time Dad starts it!

You must comply, he will not stop until you do, so as you can see Jeff reluctantly complies....
Not because his muscles are not bigger, but because he stands no chance of matter what.

Then as it always does there is a joke made, and Jeff lets Dad win. I love it, they love, Charlie, Luke and Jacob better love it cause it's coming.


Shelia said...

Not really much of a difference. LOL I love these pics Ju.

AmyWhit said...

Love the progression of the pics. That sounds just like Mr. Wayne! Look at his intent look in that first picture. LOL.

Heather said...

You have no idea how much these moments mean to LT. I love to just watch them. :)