Friday, August 24, 2007

My Faith Looks up to Thee...

Hebrews 11:1
"Now, Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"
So I was wondering...How can I take a picture of something you can not see??

Then I thought; to me my faith is like a rock, something that when all around me is shaky and unstable I can stand on my faith in Christ. My faith is that solid Rock. There are people who have more faith in what the news paper says than what God's word says, they can believe there is life on another planet and cannot believe God created the universe. I have seen some miserable people in my life time, I've work for a few, so mad at the world; and even they can not tell you what they are mad at. I use to be mad too, then Christ began to show me what I was missing....Him! Has my life gotten can I see my faith work? Oh, yes.

Romans 5:1

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" $, no title, no fame, have ever produced. Sweet Peace.

Ever since we got this assignment I have not been able to get this song out of my head.
"My faith looks up the Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Savior divine! Now hear me while I pray, take all my guilt away, O let me from this day be wholly Thine!"
I pray that you all have His peace. And that your faith looks up....not around.
PS. This what you get when you give a Sunday School teacher an assignment like this!

pss: My cousin Val has got her post up and running check it can link from me or Jamie.


Brewton Girl said...

Well Done! The rock was an excellent idea. "On the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand"

Queen of Foo Foo said...

Looks like we were on the same wave link. You are right there are a lot of unhappy people in this world searching for something.

Heather said...

How beautiful! You are such an inspiration to me.

I know all about the unhappy people, too. I love the rock and church pictures.

jamie said...

Good job!! I think you aced this one!! Faith is like a rock!! And boy has mine been tested!! I too have been thinking on this one. But I could not think of a thing!!