Sunday, August 12, 2007

Put that Camera up, now!

I was out trying to get a picture of a butterfly today. However, it was
supper time for someone...well at least that's what he thought.
So I started trying to take his picture...he would not even look at me.
The cold shoulder.
Here we have him Cutting his eye at me...,
with a "I've had enough of the camera look ,
lets get supper in the trough...
get out in that barn and start rattling those buckets".
Here's my favorite....

"Did you not hear me??? Knock it off with the camera, already, I am starving.., I'll be wasted away to only a 1000 pounds soon"


Queen of Foo Foo said...

When its time to eat its time to eat!!! Not time for a photo shoot.

Anonymous said...

Is that horse one you have to knock in the head to get any action. My uncle had one like that---he eventualy knocked it lights out one day and then sold it to a friend. I guess you needed that snickers bar to get him in a happy mood!

Shelia said...

Spunk is a mess for sure! Christina's real first love! LOL

Nancy S. said...

I love the last one. Horses are really beautiful creatures but I have always been afraid of them. I do like the little miniature ones.

Brewton Girl said...

I'm with Nancy, I love to watch them but I'm not much of a rider!

dragon fire bender said...

spunky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hehe