Monday, April 2, 2007

Farrier Too!?

Tools of the trade
Hard work!
A grateful horse, who's feet feel much better!
My sweet husband can do it all...I tease him and tell him he can fix anything
from a broken heart to the crack of dawn!
Spunk is such a baby that
he will actually lean his weight on Wayne to hold him up!
I took these on Saturday, did not publish the ones of Wayne
lying on the ground in agony. (:
(don't miss LT's rebuttal on "Bones of Contention")


AmyWhit said...

I don't know about everyone else, but I'd kinda like to see the ones of Mr. Wayne laying on the ground in agony. I mean, I'd never WISH it on him...but since it happened anyway, we may as well witness it too! LOL.

Lovin' the last one with your pretty horse!

oldav8r said...

It is so amazing the trust an animal developes for the care giver. What a hard job for both for them. I'm sure Spunk will be galloping a lot happier.

jamie said...

We were anxious to see the one where the horse was sitting on Poppie. Oh well... Maybe next time. Spunks coat looks so smooth and shiny.... It must be those zero bars. Em can't wait to get some horses of her own!!!

Wendy said...

Mr Wayne is a busy man!!!! Into everything!!!!