Wednesday, April 25, 2007

On Top "The Mountain"

Aunt Alice said these little flowers grow and bloom on top of the mountain all the time. It is amazing, there is only a thimble full of soil there. There are a few trees growing on the mountain but they look pretty stunted.
Look what I found on the mountain, Amy's butterfly.
I was amazed too.

This guy looks a little beat up, possibly from the climb, hehe. I also like that you can see the granite sparkles in these close ups. I love butterflies too, Amy, I hope to get up to the Pond in Hampton. There is a plant there that the butterflies just love and swarm to. It's really a weed I guess. It has a small white ball of a bloom on it that just calls the butterflies.


Shelia said...

The pictures of the "flutterby" are just wonderful. You should take them to the Butterfly Shop!

AmyWhit said...

Well no dang wonder I couldn't find him! He went to Georgia! Love them. Unbelievable about the flowers in that little bit of dirt. That's a pefect example of "blooming where you're planted".

We should do a blogger's day...and all go out shooting.

jamie said...

What is truly amazing is how they grow there and I don't have much luck with flowers!! Maybe I should just plant them and do nothing to them!! LOL.

I think I would be pretty banged up too, from having to fly all the way up to the top of the mountain!!
Wish we could go with ya to the pond!