Saturday, April 14, 2007

WARNING! Not for the faint of Heart

Well, I have moved this Picture down so as to give some warning about the subject.
This is a water moccasin.
We were, looking at property (again). I had walked down to the creek on the property. (The creek & property were very nice) I was enjoying the serene seen when I turned around and I thought...Gee, that vine looks awful black, then I thought, that's a weird place for a hose to be hanging.
Then I realized, It's a snake.
I ran to get my camera, but by the time I got back he was sliding into the tree trunk.
We hopped on the 6 wheeler, and rode for about an hour or so and when we got back I gathered up my camera and went to find "him". I was trying to get a good shot but "he" wasn't looking at me. So, my husband gets a stick and pokes him (did I mention it was a long stick?) I told Jan I was more afraid of a mouse than a snake.. now you can see I meant it. I did not scream at all, I ran towards the snake. "He" was a good snake, "he" only got a little mad. "He" was huge about 5 or 6 feet long. "He" however is not the biggest I've encountered. Well, brace "HE" is......

Mr. Water Moccosin

Now this is real wildlife!
Pretty neat huh boys!


AmyWhit said...

*crack* That was my head hitting the floor as I passed out! You are more afraid of a little bitty mouse than you are of a snake?! You're a braver woman than I. I HATE snakes. *shudder* They make my skin crawl.

oldav8r said...

Judy, I got to disagree with you---There are NO good snakes. Girl you should be afraid, very afraid! It would appear that Wayne can be talked into anything by you. Glad it was a long stick. Really glad ya'll did not get bitten!

Shelia said...

Cool beans Judy! This is a great shot!I'll take the snakes, they eat the mice that poop all over your stuff if they get in your house!!!! LOL

Jeff said...

I still say it was a rat snake.