Friday, March 30, 2007


I got him! It's a little dark, but I got him in his natural setting which was my goal. I am going to continue to photograph him (and any others that come along) to get some really good color and better quality pics. That's it for today!


oldav8r said...

Good shot Judy. Birds are so very hard to get, just as you click, they fly away! Maybe he sit still longer once he see you over and over!

AmyWhit said...

Great job! He's pretty, and I love that you got him all framed in by the tree. Did you use your big zoom lens for this one? I've heard that if you zoom all the way to 300mm with that one you'll need a tripod to keep the camera steady so you won't have camera shake.

We've got a bluebird couple that's taking up residence in a box out back. I've been meaning to try to get him, but the lighting is never right when I think about it...and then I forget! Maybe tomorrow...but somehow I doubt it. Church for dyeing Easter eggs in the morning...working the rest of the day. Sunday maybe? Church in the morning, quick lunch, baby shower in the afternoon and then more work. Sheesh. How do you ladies find the time to blog?!

Shelia said...

He stands out perfectly with all the brown branches! Great shot Judy!