Monday, March 12, 2007

The Mouse, The Frog & The Billygoat

I know, I know.... you all thought I was nuts, now this will confirm it. I was enjoying the shutter speed on my camera while taking pictures of my "water feature" (yes, the same water feature that got me banded from HGTV). When I came in and put them on full screen....these little creatures me anyway...At the top is a tiny mouse just rising up from the dark, and just for Jake a frog appeared (left), the my favorite, (right)....a billy goat playing a trumpet. Come on ya gotta see 'em. What fun...


Heather said...

I thought the first one was the frog jumping up, the second a baby elephant, the third a mouse...oh well. The water feature is one of my favorite things about your yard. Even now I have been chuckling to myself about the time Poppie put on the max power nozzle. I can just see the director of HGTV doing a spread of your yard, Pop coming over to "fix" the water fountain, then that happening. hahahaha
It sometimes takes so little to amuse me!

AmyWhit said...

Umm...I don't see 'em! LOL. I do like the water though! I love that fountain too!

Sister & Girls said...

I seee them!! This is what I was talking about in my blog today...seeing things in different objects!! How funny is that?! Aleast I'm not the only crazy one! hee hee

jamie said...

You kinda sound like Emily telling me what she sees in the clouds. haha. You know we have to tease you about seeing things. Maybe its the birthday that is coming up??J/K. I guess I can see what your seeing, but not the billy goat playing a trumpet. Don't tell Dad you saw these, he might ban you from the camera and the computer. He might even check you into a padded room. haha.:)

I do love the water sound that comes from the fountain. It is sooo soothing. I wish I could make my yard as pretty as yours. Get some ideas, we'll make mine pretty when you come in May. Oh what fun.. You know the kids will want to plant things again.

You know I love ya, mom!

oldav8r said...

Judy, now that you can see all those animals in strange places, you need to make up stories to go along with them. Great pics!