Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring has arrived in the Low Country

Flowers are blooming everywhere in the Low Country. These are a few from our yard. I have to marvel at God's handy work. (Bottom to top)Yellow Jasmine is our state flower, the daffodils are everywhere, and the Bradford Pear trees are just starting to pop. Just had to throw these in....I know Charlie, less flowers more big equipment, I promise it's coming soon.


jamie said...

AHHHH, there is that thing called COLOR again. I can't wait until it reaches here. Only about 2 more months.

Heather said...

I love them. Jeff and I have always believed that things bloom brighter and earlier at your house. Love the vibrant colors!

AmyWhit said...

I love the Bradford pears. They are so beautiful....especially down Ribaut road.